Cinderpelt (aka Gable Cinderpelt) Adopted

2 years old · Male · Black · Not Cat Tolerant · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Cinderpelt.


Gable Cinderpelt is a 2-year-old black male, will be 3 on 8/31/14. He has been in his foster home since 4/29/14, which as of this writing is barely a week. He still has puppy tendencies and curiosity, and is constantly digging toys out of the toy bin and collecting them in a crate. He also like to collect towels and clothes if he’s not watched. Cinderpelt crates quietly and nicely, which is good because it’s a safe place for him when the humans are away from the house. One of his photos shows him sitting - he sits a lot, unusual for greyhounds, happens mostly when he’s a little unsure of himself and is waiting to see where you want him. He’s a sweet boy, loves attention, and gets along just fine with the other 3 dogs in his foster home. Bio will be updated as Cinderpelt settles in to life in a home, and more of his personality is revealed.


Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01