Thor (aka Jed's Thor) Adopted

2 years old · Male · Brindle · Cat Tolerance Unknown · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Thor.


Thor, AKA Jed’s Thor, is a beautiful, affectionate, deep chested, tall boy. He is a Velcro Grey who will not let me out of his sight. He gets along with all dogs, loves to play and is now house broken. He walks beautifully on a leash and rides well in the car. He sleeps on a bed at night and does not get up on furniture. Since he is tall boy he can counter surf. He is so happy to see his humans and has the best helicopter tail wag I’ve ever seen. He will make a great addition to your family.

Thor Thor

Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01