About Greyhounds Unlimited

Greyhounds Unlimited was founded in 1991 in Fort Worth, Texas by Hope Combest and several dedicated volunteers. As with most fledgling non-profits, we started small. However, it quickly became clear that we could acquire and adopt many more greyhounds than our small foster kennel could house.

Over the years, Greyhounds Unlimited has become more of a residential foster home-based organization. This means our volunteers foster any number of rescued greyhounds in their private homes until the dogs are placed in permanent homes. We have found using a residential foster home is the most effective means of ensuring that retired racing greyhounds become acclimated to a home environment prior to their adoption.

Our organization covers the north to central Texas areas. If you are not in our area, please call 1-800-GHOUNDS (1-800-446-8637) to find a greyhound rescue group in your area.

Greyhounds Unlimited has no paid staff. We are strictly a volunteer-run organization. All volunteers donate their time and energy at no cost.

We take a neutral stand on greyhound racing.

Mission Statement

The Greyhound Rescue Society of Texas, Incorporated dba Greyhounds Unlimited is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to finding caring and responsible homes for retired racing and rescued greyhounds. The specific objectives of Greyhounds Unlimited are to promote a caring attitude toward all greyhounds.

To reach its' objectives, Greyhounds Unlimited finds caring and responsible homes; rescues sick, injured and abandoned greyhounds; seeks to return lost greyhounds to their owners; teaches the principles of kindness and humane dog care to children and adults; and vigorously promotes animal birth control through every possible means.

Board of Directors and Officers

Board of Directors
Janis Brown
Micky Nielsen
Susan Lemon
Jimmy Ross
Jim Vandehaar

Susan Lemon
Jimmy Ross
Vice President/Secretary

Committee Chairs
Janis Brown
Micky Nielsen
Jimmy Ross
Kelly Wells
Jim Vandehaar
Kelly Wells
Volunteer Coordinator
Medical Coordinator
Online Store Coordinator
Adoption Coordinator
Adoption Coordinator
Foster Home Coordinator

Contact Information

The Greyhound Rescue Society of Texas, Incorporated
P.O. Box 703967
Dallas, Texas 75370-3967
972-503-GREY (4739)

Updated: 23 April 2024 13:56