Sonic (aka Gable Sonic) Adopted

5 years old · Male · Fawn Brindle · Not Cat Tolerant · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Sonic.


Sonic is a gorgeous boy, full of life and fun. He loves to be with his humans, and will look at you with adoring eyes. He provides great and frequent kisses, and he’s a bit of a nut. Occasionally, he has spurts of high energy where he grabs a toy and races back and forth through the house with his rear end tucked under him. Sometimes, he turns circles. He loves to race around the backyard, and will play “catch me if you can.” He has been found on piles of bedding that are folded on top of several crates, so he has great leaping power. Sonic is generally sweet, gets along with most dogs, but will stand his ground if around another alpha dog. His prey drive is high, and he will need to go to an owner experienced with greyhounds.


Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01