Patrick (aka Ce's Heart Rumor) Adopted

4 years old · Male · Black · Not Cat Tolerant · Origin: Not Provided


Pedigree Information

Greyhound Data provides information about greyhounds from all over the world with pedigree information drawn from the last four centuries.

Click here and you will find the pedigree, the littermates, and the races of Patrick.


Patrick is a happy, affectionate boy, and his favorite activity is slathering faces with kisses! He particularly enjoys being around children whose faces are level with his since that offers him the best opportunity for kissing. Patrick loves his humans so much he wants to be with them all the time. He can usually be found lounging close to someone’s feet, and will get up and follow that person if s/he moves to another room. He likes to play with stuffed animals, and loves squeakie toys. Patrick has VERY high prey drive, so he cannot be around any small dogs, and any large dogs must not be fluffy or have long hair. He’s very sweet to and easygoing with the other greyhounds in the house. He’s done well being crated, and also with potty training.

Patrick Patrick Patrick

Updated: 12 April 2023 07:17:01